Hazel's puppies
Born June 16th Ready to go home 8/14/2021
There are puppies available in this litter, fill out an application quick!
Mother Hazel
Father Jack
The Johnson's have been so great at raising Hazel's puppies. They are a gregarious family with a lot of friends and a large extended family. They did a great job of raising Hazel's first litter, and are excited to do it again. They are great at keeping records and doing each weekly "assignments" with the puppies. It is great that I live minutes away and can come and play and take pictures of the puppies. All look great! Kathy has been posting a lot on Instagram, see them on: labradoodlesellsworth, or at EllsWORTH Labradoodles
Individual Photos
The Johnson's decided on a "rainbow" litter for their short term names
blue ribbon male "Navy"
8 weeks old weighs 8.5 lbsHe could grow to be in the 40's lbs range as an adult |
7 weeks old weighs7.8 lbs |
6 weeks old weighs 5.10 lbs |
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5 weeks old weighs4.3 lbs |
these puppies get lots of love! |
4 weeks old weighs 3.5 lbs |
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2 weeks old weighs 2.1 lbs |
1 week old 1.12 lbs |
4 days old weighs 15 oz |
1st born at 11:42 AM birth weight 8.87oz.. |
Navy is a very sweet puppy who loves to find hiding spots to take naps, while the other puppies are playing. He usually finds a place to relax, sleep or play apart from the other puppies and seems a bit more introverted. He loves to crawl into your lap and cuddle up.
purple ribbon female "Violet"
8 weeks old weighs 6.13 lbsadult weight guess: 20-35 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 5.14 lbs |
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5 weeks old weighs 3.15 lb |
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Violet and Peach |
the girls |
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she loves people! |
3 weeks old weighs 2.10 lbs |
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2 weeks old weighs1.14 lbs |
1 week old |
4 days old weighs 14.12 oz |
3rd born at 12:10 pm birth weight 8.65 oz |
Violet is the sweetest and calmest puppy in the litter. She still loves to play but rarely starts the wrestling matches. She will cuddle on your lap longer than any of the other puppies and loves to be held.
red ribbon male "Merlot"
8 weeks old weighs 8.13 lbsadult weight guess about 50 lbs. |
7 weeks old weighs 8.4 lbs |
umph, hard to hold up! |
6 weeks old weighs 6.6 lbs |
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5 weeks old weighs 4.10 lbs |
he is very food motivated. |
so fun running around the yard. |
so tired |
puppy love |
4 weeks old weighs 3.8lbs |
getting tired! |
2 weeks old weighs 2.1 lbs |
1 week old |
5th born at 2:25 pm birth weight 9.5 oz |
Merlot is the softest, sweetest, and biggest puppy in the litter. No one cuddles more than him. He is very calm but if the other puppies start playing, he always joins in on the fun even if he isn't ever the instigator.
Green ribbon male "Olive"
8 weeks old weighs 6.15 lbsadult weight guess: 20-35 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 6.2 lbs |
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6 weeks old weighs 4.14 lbs |
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5 weeks old weighs 3.13 lbs |
4 weeks old weighs 3.2 lbs |
stocky little guy! |
2 weeks old weighs 2.75 lbs |
such a cute face! |
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1 week old |
4 days old weighs 1487 oz/ |
2nd born at 11:59 AM birth weight 8.12 oz |
Olive is a very playful and adventurous puppy. he instigator of most puppy wrestling matches. He loves to explore and always plays or follows people first before the other puppies.
Orange ribbon female "Peach"
8 weeks old weighs 5.8 lbsweight guess for adult 20-35 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 5.7 lbs |
6 weeks old weighs 4.6 lbs |
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5 weeks old weighs 3.8 lbs |
4 weeks old weighs 2.15 lbs |
the littlest this week |
she has milk on her face. |
2 weeks old weighs 1.12 lbs |
1 week old |
4 days old weighs 13.75 oz. |
4th born at 12:44 pm birth weight 8.25 oz |
Peach is the small feisty puppy in the litter. She might be the smallest in the litter, but she is in the middle of everything. She still loves to cuddle but if one of the other puppies is close by, she is the first to grab them by the tail and start playing. She has also been known to jump on our laps to start playing.
pink ribbon female "Rose"
8 weeks old weighs 7.1 lbsadult weight guess: 40 lbs give or take |
7 weeks old weighs 6.5 lbs |
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6 weeks old weighs 5.4 lbs |
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5 weeks old weighs 4.5 lbs |
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3 weeks old weighs 2.11 lbs |
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2 weeks old weighs 2.25 lbs |
1 week old |
she is the biggest girl |
last born at 2:38 pm birth weight 9.65 oz |
Rose is our beautiful sturdy gal. She is known fo winning the most wrestling matches and is more vocal than the other pups. You know when she is happy or when she needs something because she will tell you. Her coloring gets cuter every day!